Georgetown Is At The Lowest The Program Has Ever Been But They Will Not Fire Patrick Ewing

Well, this is some sort of voice of confidence from Georgetown. The program is at an all-time low. It's impossible to debate that. 6-22. 18 straight losses. They don't have a win in the Big East. They have lost by at least 7 points in 9 of the last 10 and 16 of the 18 looses. It's not what you would call good. It's not what you would call average. Basically this is Georgetown saying Patrick Ewing is a legend at the school and they want him to work out. They don't want to fire a legend, at least not yet. 

The question will be can Ewing keep guys like Aminu Mohammad who is a damn good freshman or will he leave like Akinjo, McClung, etc. That's what makes it all even a bit weirder. Ewing is recruiting decent. Nothing crazy, but he's landing guys that should be good for the program. But all he has to show for it is a trip to the NIT and then the miracle win in the Big East Tournament last year. 

Hey, I get it. You don't want to keep firing coaches. It's not the best for any program. But basically this has to be the final year for Ewing. Give him next year - especially since you reportedly gave him an extension after making the NCAA Tournament. But Georgetown has too much history for it to be 0-17 in the Big East. Iconic jerseys, iconic players, iconic name. You can't be out here completely irrelevant for an extended period of time. 

PS: This is a top-3 jersey in the game

Mitchell Layton. Getty Images.

PPS: This is the saddest I've seen Patrick Ewing since these days

Fernando Medina. Getty Images.

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